Every Minute on the Minute Training
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How Important is One Minute in Minute Training Regime

Every Minute on the Minute Training (EMOM) is a type of training where you alternate between exercises and then rest every minute. The idea is to develop smoother patterns through heavy loading.

  • EMOM can be integrated into your normal training routine
  • It is used to help improve form, such as movement patterns
  • 80-90% of your one rep maximum will be optimum

Every Minute on the Minute Training

Training right is always the key to results. A good form when training not only ensures that you get the best out of your effort, but also helps prevent injuries. Most of the training methods aim for strength, endurance or weight loss. Exercises that help improve form, i.e. movement patterns, are rarely mentioned. Every Minute on the Minute Training or EMOM can help you evolve your squats or deadlifts to the same level as the elite lifters. Here are a few facts about EMOM:

  • Every Minute on the Minute training is usually used for a lower rep range.
  • It is widely used in various strength and conditioning related training.
  • The weight chosen does have to be heavy, but not too heavy.
  • Integrate EMOM with your normal training or in between programs.

EMOM simply means alternating between exercise and rest every minute. EMOM has usually been used for a lower rep range of 8 to 20 sets.

EMOM has been widely used in various strength and conditioning related training, like olympic lifting, powerlifting training and crossfit. While everyone does EMOM differently, the idea is the same - to develop better and smoother movement patterns through heavy loading. Glenn Pendlay, one of the best weightlifting coaches in America commented on EMOM in his article, which was published in T-Nation:

“Performing EMOM sets trains the body to fire motor units faster, more explosively and more powerfully, and turns them off quickly - which is the holy grail in sports. This training modality is more effective at accomplishing this than anything else I'm aware of.”

Please be aware that the weight chosen has to be heavy, but not very heavy. Remember, it is the movement pattern that we are trying to improve by using a weight that challenges the pattern itself. In other words, a 80%-90% of your one rep maximum will be optimum.

It is good to integrate EMOM with your normal training routine or in between programs. I found that my reps got easier and smoother by the 8th to 10th set with EMOM, 2 rep, 85% 1 rep max. Have a go with EMOM on your big lifts to really improve them!

Ref: The Holy Grail of Sports Training: EMOM Sets | T Nation
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